Water Integrity
The political leadership of the Arab Republic of Egypt affirms the commitment of the government, leadership and people, to the rule of law, rejecting all forms and practices of corruption, consolidating the values of integrity and the policy of transparency, and that everyone without any exception is equal before the law.
In this context, governance is defined as a set of rules, laws, standards and procedures according to organizations are managed and effective control. It is responsible for organizing the relationship between leaders and stakeholders, and helps in determining the directions and performance of the organization.
Governance means a set of internal policies that include the system, processes and people, and that serve the needs of shareholders and other stakeholders, by directing and controlling the activities of good business management with objectivity, accountability and integrity. The sound management of companies depends on the commitment of the external market and legislation, in addition to a healthy culture that includes guarantees for policies and operations.
Good governance and effective management of water resources are important mechanisms for avoiding or mitigating water crises.
Good governance and effective management for water resources are considered important mechanisms to avoid or reduce water crises or mitigate its consequences Institutional efficiency is also one of the criteria for measuring the overall effectiveness and efficiency of water companies and the financial and human resources, and the safety of the infrastructure.

These are the most popular forms of corruption world wide in all sectors not only in water and wastewater sector, So WI is keen on filling the gaps found in all work procedures and setting proactive procedures to maintain integrity and prevent the occurrence of any forms of corruption. These forms are
Representing the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater in many international and local conferences.
In view of the orientation of the Holding Company for Water and Sanitation and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) to exchange experiences with the implementing agencies of other similar programs to support integrity, a workshop was held to exchange experiences between the Quality Management and Integrity Support at HCWW, between the General Department of Compliance in the Holding Company For Electricity, aiming exchange experiences in the field of governance and supporting integrity, in partnership between two projects (JCEE & WWMP).
This comes within the framework of instructions from Eng. Mamdouh Raslan, Chairman of HCWW, on the importance of commitment to the principles of governance, implementing transparency policies and supporting integrity.
Members of the Integrity Support Committee in the HCWW and the General Management Team for Compliance by the Electricity Holding Company participated in the workshop.
During the workshop, the project of WI, the stages of management development, goals and results achieved during the previous period, as well as the tasks of the General Administration of Compliance with the Electricity Holding Company and work mechanisms within the administration were presented.
The workshop concluded its work by recommending the importance of continuing cooperation between the two companies, transferring successful experiences, sharing experiences, and clarifying mechanisms and aspects of cooperation during the coming period, in coordination with GIZ.
The WI Team at HCWW won second position in the Egypt Award for Governmental Excellence in October 2021 as the best work team within the Government Excellence Awards under the patronage of the President of the Republic and in the presence of Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, and Dr. Hala Al-Saeed, Minister of Planning and Economic Development, And a number of ministers and guests of honor from the United Arab Emirates.
Eng. Mamdouh Raslan, President of the HCWW, indicated that WI Team in the Holding Company aims to govern and standardize procedures and establish effective mechanisms to follow up and control procedures in a correct and unified way, , through mechanisms to analyze risks and develop procedures that support integrity in accordance with standards and KPI(s) that are measured and followed up.